
'Battlefield 2042' Marks the Series' Return to Modern Warfare

battlefield 2042 mobile
Electronic Arts
battlefield 2042 gameplay
Electronic Arts

Along with that first official trailer, EA and DICE made sure to drop some important details. The two opposing sides at war in Battlefield 2042 are the U.S. and Russia. Players will fight for both sides across seven maps in battles that contain up to 128 players - we do know that the metropolitan cities of Seoul and the deserts of Egypt will play host to Battlefield’s signature shootouts and jaw-dropping destruction. It’s worth noting that the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions are capped at 64 players and will include reduced map sizes. The modes that have been revealed thus far include Conquest, Breakthrough, and the brand new Hazard Zone. Soldiers are now being referred to as specialists and stick to one of four classes that have particular loadouts with customizable aspects.

As everyone probably knows already, Battlefield 2042 is being offered through three separate editions. Plus there’s a slew of pre-order bonuses available to those who take the early plunge:

Pre-Order Perks

- Early access to open beta

- Baku ACB-90 melee takedown knife

- “Mr. Chompy” epic weapon charm

- “Landfall” player card background and “Old Guard” tag

Standard Edition

- Base game

Gold Edition

- Base game

- Early access to game launch

- Year 1 Pass: Four new Specialists (one per Season), four Battle Passes (one per Season), and three Epic Skin Bundles (“Blistered Earth,” “Tempest,” and “Cold Blood”)

- Cross-Gen Bundle (consoles only)

Ultimate Edition

battlefield ultimate
Electronic Arts

- Base game

- Early access to game launch

- Year 1 Pass: Four new Specialists (one per Season), four Battle Passes (one per Season), and three Epic Skin Bundles (“Blistered Earth,” “Tempest,” and “Cold Blood”)

- Cross-Gen Bundle (consoles only)

- Midnight Ultimate Bundle: “Shadow Stalker” Legendary Outfit, “Obsidian” Legendary Weapon Skin, and “Onyx” Legendary Vehicle Skin

- Official digital art book and exclusive digital soundtrack

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