The Fire Emblem series has become one of Nintendo's most beloved franchises, with engaging strategic gameplay and gripping stories that have captured the hearts of gamers for over 30 years. Though the fantasy tactical role-playing series has its origins on the Famicom (NES) in Japan, many gamers outside of Japan were first introduced to the world of Fire Emblem through Marth and Roy's appearance in 2001's Super Smash Bros. Melee. This sparked interest that led to the release of several Fire Emblem games internationally in the following years, with continued releases in the series moving over to every major Nintendo console. With such a long lineage, there is quite a substantial number of the best Fire Emblem games to enjoy.
However, while the Fire Emblem series has amassed quite an impressive catalog of tactical role-playing games, not all entries in developer Intelligent Systems' medieval fantasy wargame franchise are created equal; some are all-time classics while others have faded into obscurity as forgettable missteps. Whether you're a seasoned armchair general or a fresh-faced recruit, see if you agree with our list of best Fire Emblem games as we break down the defining qualities of each title in Nintendo's incredible turn-based strategy series.
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