
The 20 Best RPG Games on PS4

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Xseed Games / Bandai Namco Entertainment / Square Enix / ONE37pm

If there's one thing PlayStation fans can rely on, it's the abundance of strong RPGs that exist across every iteration of Sony's line of home consoles. Final Fantasy VII made headlines on the PS1, Kingdom Hearts made waves on the PS2, and Dark Souls grabbed plenty of attention on the PS3. On the PS4, all three of those franchises have been afforded new entries alongside a host of other quality RPG remasters, remakes, sequels, and all-new IPs. With such an abundance of praiseworthy picks in the genre to choose from as a PS4 owner, we're sure it's a bit difficult for you to narrow down which ones are worth the hefty time investment. Allow us to assist you with that mission as we highlight 20 of the best RPG games on PS4.

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Best RPG Games on PS4

ys 8 review 2
NIS America

1. ‘The Witcher III: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition'

Buy Now, $19.99

2. ‘Elden Ring’

Buy Now, $47.99

3. ‘Tales of Arise’

Buy Now, Price Varies

4. ‘Persona 5 Royal’

Buy Now, $31.99

5. ‘Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout’

Buy Now, $64.99

6. ‘Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy’

Buy Now, $79.99

7. ‘Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key’

Buy Now, $59.99

8. ‘Kingdom Hearts All-in-One Package’

Buy Now, $29.98

9. ‘Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster’

Download Now, $74.99

10. ‘Final Fantasy VII Remake’

Buy Now, $15.46

11. ‘Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster'

Buy Now, $23.60

12. ‘Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age'

Buy Now, $19.29

13. ‘Final Fantasy XIV'

Buy Now, Price Varies

14. ‘Yakuza: Like a Dragon’

Buy Now, Price Varies

15. ‘Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition'

Buy Now, $33.75

16. ‘NieR: Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition'

Buy Now, $20.85

17. ‘Bloodborne'

Buy Now, $26.40

18. ‘Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana’

Buy Now, $33.79

19. ‘The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel’

Buy Now, $23.69

20. ‘Valkyria Chronicles Remastered'

Buy Now, $19.40
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