Music. Makeup. Video Games. And, most importantly, vibes. That wonderful concoction comes through the screen every time the lady streamer known as "DaGeecheeGamer" presents her latest batch of content. As a variety streamer, DaGeecheeGamer lives her best life by playing anything and everything that manages to grab her attention. And thankfully, that same sentiment is felt by us and the loyal community she's built up during her content creation/streaming career thus far. ONE37pm caught up with the proud leader of the #GeecheeGrotto and got some backstory about her video game origins, her biggest inspirations, her favorite musical genres, and so much more.
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ONE37pm: So your three main loves are music, makeup, and video games. Walk us through what jumpstarted your love for gaming.
DaGeecheeGamer: Well, my first introduction to gaming came when I would watch my dad play Super Mario Brothers on NES and Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega (I can still remember hearing that sound in my dreams as a kid! Lol!). For a while, that was my only experience with video games until my cousins got a PlayStation and introduced me to a rhythm game called Bust-A-Groove. It's a really dope game that came out in the 90s where you had all these awesome-looking characters with different dance styles that had to basically battle one another through dance and the songs were FIRE!
That was the first game that really had me hooked. My mom eventually got me and my sisters a PlayStation and we had Bust-A-Groove, a few of those OG demo discs, and whatever we could get our hands on at Blockbuster that week with our $5. A few years later, I remember seeing a commercial for Final Fantasy IX on TV (yes y’all a real commercial, not this "ad" business y’all know so well today lol) and I was CAPTIVATED! I just thought to myself, "I don’t know WHAT this is, but I HAVE to have it!" I asked my mom for it and that year for Christmas, she wrapped it with the Unleash the Dragon album by Sisqo. Best Christmas ever. I put Sisqo in my boombox that I also got for Christmas that year and loaded up my game and it’s been up ever since. To this day, Final Fantasy IX is in my top three.
ONE37pm: What types of musical genres are you the biggest fan of? And who are your top five artists of all time?
DaGeecheeGamer: I am honestly not very picky with my music. I tend to consume music from a pretty technical standpoint so when I listen to something, I like to take it apart and piece it back together before I decide if I really like it. I am a HUGE fan of classical music. I absolutely LOVE symphony orchestras and hearing all of the many different instruments come together with so many different dynamics and such. I really like to dance and move my body so I have a love for house music as well. And of course, I love a good hip-hop or R&B track! I just love to experience a really well-put-together composition.
As far as my favorite artists of all time? That’s REALLY hard to say, but I’ll try!! So, Michael Jackson is definitely #1 on my list. There is nothing I can say that he's released that I did not enjoy, period. I LOVE Outkast! I think they’re an amazing duo and Big Boi and Andre 3000 compliment each other SO well and the creativity is unmatched. I have a long-time love for Destiny’s Child and Beyonce, because around the time they emerged, I was just getting into watching music videos as a little girl and everything they did really stuck with me.
Nobuo Uematsu is hands down my favorite composer if that counts? I’m so happy to learn that they're introducing an OST/Game Scoring category to the Grammys - he deserves ALL the awards. It’s so hard to narrow it down to five sheesh, but I’ve gotta give the last spot to Rihanna. Her music is just so fun and she touches so many different genres and sounds and does it well!
ONE37pm: Describe your love for the makeup game and how you incorporate it into your Twitch streams.
DaGeecheeGamer: For me, makeup has always been a form of artistic expression. For a while, I almost used makeup as a form of therapy without even realizing that's what was happening. I would just feel wound up and say "I’m gonna go play in some makeup." And from there just a little bit at a time, while I’m dolling myself up, I could just feel myself releasing so much tension and relaxing. It felt a lot to me like, painting a whole picture, except my face is the canvas. I figured if I felt this way, there are probably others that do as well.
I used to have a segment on Mondays called "MMMMondays" or "Triple M Mondays" which stood for "Music, Makeup and Mental Health." Sometimes I would create music, and sometimes I would play in makeup and just kind of vent or purge and have conversations with my community about what was happening in the world that week. I don’t do it as much now because I started to actually burn myself out by trying to stream five days a week, but I plan to bring it back soon once I can upgrade my setup just a little bit!
I would also bring other makeup lovers on the stream to talk about the things that other people were afraid to, like body hair removal for example. Now, I just like to come up with a good look and get really pretty before the stream. It’s a part of my "get ready ritual" almost like a performer would have before a concert.
ONE37pm: Speaking of Twitch, what made you decide to start streaming on that platform?
DaGeecheeGamer: When I started my journey in content creation, I had initially intended to just upload YouTube gameplay videos. I had been watching quite a few different gamers and I thought, I can do this! I underestimated the work that it takes to get videos edited though lol.
I had a friend with an esports management group who really kind of encouraged me to start streaming on Twitch immediately. I kept saying, "Well, let me just take care of these videos first, and then I’ll start." He kept pushing and finally on March 26, 2020, I went live for the first time! I always felt like Twitch was just a little too complicated and since I wasn’t a regular consumer of Twitch content starting out, I really had no interest in using it myself, at first. I’m very glad I took that step because it's been an amazing journey thus far!