Throughout the decades since its inception, Pokémon has somehow only grown to become more and more popular. At important points, it had great catalysts for growth and boosts in fans, like Pokémon GO a few years ago and the increase of interest in Pokémon cards and their value during the height of the pandemic.
It’s no surprise that of all the most valuable media franchises in the world, including Harry Potter, Mickey Mouse, Star Wars, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Pokémon has generated the most revenue, with an estimated $100 billion.
Of course, as the brand proves its longevity and new fans arrive annually, some of the older generations can be forgotten and the history can get lost over time. If you’re a newer fan and have questions about how many Pokémon there are in totality, how many generations there are, or who the most powerful Pokémon of all time are, look no further.