This week's Inside The Screen, hosted by Aaron "Don" Dukes, features the return of special guest AHAD. AHAD pops up once again to delve into some noteworthy topics within the world of content creation, such as maintaining one's self when starting out as a streamer and if content creators really need to join an organization or not.
'Inside the Screen': AHAD Questions Content Creators Joining Organizations

AHAD's conversation with Aaron touched on a number of fun topics. During this talk, AHAD made it abundantly clear that he's dead set on establishing new income streams by working as hard as ever and manifesting them all the while. When the topic of content creation comes up, AHAD notes that he's willing to join a team for a long & stable tenure but still be able to craft his content with the most authenticity as possible. AHAD noted that he's in for the long haul when it comes to growing one's brand independently amidst a sea of other streamers in his field.
Once Aaron asks if emerging and major content creators should sign with major organizations, AHAD speaks his peace on the whole matter: "I think it's really healthy for them. Drake owns a portion of 100 Thieves. That's money 'cause he invested! Shaq owns NRG (Esports). Like who doesn't want to be affiliated with Shaquille O'Neal, Drake, Lebron James, and Hot Pockets?" AHAD went on to state that most professional content creators are strictly gamers that definitely need a team around them to bring them into the fold when it comes to brand deals and other beneficial opportunities they may not have gotten on their own.
AHAD also delved into how signing a contract with an organization could be detrimental in some cases. "It might bring in bread, but it also might bring in obstacles or censoring," he noted. "When you're given an opportunity, you definitely take it and build towards what you really wanna do." AHAD went on to detail how one must fulfill their obligations before they truly do what they want to do and must honor an organizational contract since it's pretty much a job everyone must abide by. It's clear that both AHAD and Aaron are wise enough to recognize that getting through life's professional obstacles and coming out on the end of it all the more successful is key.
AHAD is quite confident that when he does eventually get picked up by an organization, he'll take off as far as mainstream attention goes. And judging by the work he's put in thus far, it's easy to believe in that sentiment. Be sure to tune in for the rest of AHAD's return visit to Inside the Screen to learn more about his interesting choices in drinks, how his Valorant rank has shockingly attracted women, and his desire to get in on making his very own gaming mousepads.