ONE37pm: For other women streamers who constantly deal with toxicity, what type of advice would you give them?
MrsPlayStuff: I think toxicity is a part of the internet and something everyone deals with, not just women. But what we need to think about in general is that people who hate on others and waste their energy on them in a toxic matter do it because they're already quite miserable in life and have often accomplished less than you. That triggers their insecurities and they blame you for them. Therefore, you should not pay them any attention.
It's scientifically proven that most folks pay more attention to negative experiences than positive experiences. But it's the positive ones you should focus more on - it's often something you receive way more than the negative ones. Also, remember that you can be someone who represents other women and makes them want to join your community - that should be an encouragement on its own.
So what's positive about being a woman streamer? You can help explain to other men how it actually feels to be a woman and you can give them the women's perspective that is needed on the internet. You can also get a perspective of how men feel on a general basis too - life is tough for everyone and I have learned so much from being on the internet. It has humbled me and still continues to humble me.
Also, we need to stop competing with each other on who has it worse and listen because everyone is struggling with something. It's sad that their feelings get dismissed/discredited just because of sexual orientation, gender, money, or how they look.
ONE37pm: How high would you say your excitement level is for Tekken 8? What's some new stuff you hope gets incorporated into that game?
MrsPlayStuff: I can't want that game to come out! And Nina better be in it >:) I hope the netcode is better than it is in Tekken 7 - that's my big hope. I don’t really care that much about how it looks! I actually don't want it to have too many characters from the start. Also, I want way more offline stuff that has been in previous games. Like Team Battle, etc. It would also be awesome to have an online version of Team Battle!
ONE37pm: What are three essential pieces of advice you think every up-and-coming content creator/streamer should know?
MrsPlayStuff: 1. Don't just do content on Twitch - use all of your platforms.
2. It's not just luck - you need to be consistent and actually entertaining to get followers to stay.
3. You need to educate yourself, be creative, and figure out how to be unique without losing your own personality.