Have you ever stopped and wondered what the best freestyle lyrics of all time are? If so, today's your lucky day. From the early days of rap, where radio was an artist's audition in many ways, to the modern landscape, where it separates the men from the boys, freestyles have always been an essential part of the culture. So, we'll be ranking the 11 best freestyle lyrics of all time, taking a deep dive into each lyric and the MCs behind them. Without futher ado, here's our list of the best freestyle lyrics.
The 11 Best Freestyle Lyrics of All Time, Ranked

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11. Central Cee - “LA Leakers Freestyle”
10. Benny the Butcher and Conway the Machine - "Funk Flex Freestyle" - Benny's Verse
9. Conway the Machine - "Funk Flex Freestyle"
8. Eminem and Mr. Porter - "Tim Westwood Freestyle" - Eminem's Verse
7. Big L - "'98 Freestyle"
6. Jay-Z - "Grammy Family Freestyle" (Funk Flex)
5. The Notorious B.I.G. - "DJ Mister Cee Freestyle"
4. Odd Future - "Oldie" - Frank Ocean's Verse
3. Black Thought - "Funk Flex Freestyle"
2. Big L and Jay-Z - “7 Minute Freestyle” (Stretch and Bobbito) - Jay-Z’s Verse
1. Big L and Jay-Z - “7 Minute Freestyle” (Stretch and Bobbito) - Big L’s Verse
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