Hailing from Sydney, Australia, is an emerging artist named Nardean Gharsa, known by her fans as Nardean. She is a singer, rapper, and poet, who's family ties originate back to Egypt, noting that she grew up surrounded by clashing cultures. This aspect of smashing cultures and experiences makes her music a unique listening experience, which is probably one of the reasons why she is consistently growing.
One aspect that she puts on a pedestal is her delivery, with her noting that as a poet, rapper, and singer, she fuses all of these elements to create a unique sound. Additionally, she puts her lyrics at the forefront of her music. This amalgamation of these talents and traits has led her to create a signature warm and commanding sound.
Recently, Nardean released her latest single, "WESTSIDE." The song's backbeat features a slow and desirable guitar riff, accompanied by a soft drum kit in the background. The song's slow and healing components make this song a fresh and rejuvenating release for the emerging artist. Be sure to give the song a listen and watch the music video below!