In a quaint region of the metaverse, Sheep and Wolves on the blockchain compete for a tempting prize of WOOL, with deadly high stakes...
Following a long journey through the original Wolf Game, Risky Game, Cave Game, and Alpha Game, the flock arrives at the Genesis Lands.
The Sheep aim to live a simple life on the Farm, collecting resources and breeding their next generation. But the Wolves have plans to loot their spoils, steal their young, and sabotage the Farm.
Players must strategize to build their domain, expand their packs, and win as much WOOL as they can…
This language is how the full release of Wolf Game, one of the early innovators in on-chain gaming, was teased by its development team, branded “The Shepherd” and announced to the broader Web 3.0 community this past December, with live gameplay active as of early January.