Following Andor's sentencing, he's immediately led around like some sort of lost horse through the depths of the Empire prison system, which ultimately spits him out onto a ship that brings him and a few others to a base named Narkina 5.
Upon landing, the group is met by some Imperial higher-ups donning massive, colorful sneakers reminiscent of Reebok pumps. Instead of regular incarceration, the group will be performing various tasks for the Empire, which, if done efficiently, won't result in them being mass-electrocuted. Though upon receiving that information, the group is electrocuted via some sort of implanted chip as a glimpse of what's to come, which sends the group seizing onto the ground.
Andor is then brought into some sort of basement holding area where he's met by his new boss, Kino Loy (Andy Serkis), as well as the entire group on Floor 5 that he'll be working with. After being assigned to Table 5, Andor just stares blankly at the complicated-looking tasks that he'll be getting into, which resembles a classic assembly line.
After their shift, the groups head to their respective cells, and though there are no doors on each cell, the floor outside basically becomes an electric death trap overnight. In essence, one step out of that cell and you're dead, which is why Loy advises against sleepwalking.
Though Andor slowly gets into the groove of things (improving his working speed, getting used to the food, etc.) and starts to feel a little bit more comfortable, there are always days when he's reminded me of how dire the situation he's in actually is. You know, like when one inmate decides to end it all by stepping onto the main floor outside of their cells simply because he can't take it any longer.
With no end to his term in sight as prison sentences are currently being doubled and tripled, at some point, Andor's got to figure out how to get out of this hellscape. After all, one of his prison mates did warn him never to look at the amount of time he has left in his imprisonment.
"Double, triple—it doesn't matter," his prison mate says. "You're here 'til they don't want you. Understand?"