
Kid Super Does it All, and He's Doing It His Way

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When putting together a resume for Kid Super, it ain’t easy. He does a lot of things. Music, comedy, cartoons. But the common denominator amongst all of them? 

No matter the job, he does it his way. He does it in his style. 

Kid Super sat down with ONE37pm’s Tyler Schmitt for this week’s episode of Huh?

Getting In The Game

Reinventing Yourself

The Beginning

Talkin’ Footy

Flipping the Convo

Kid Super: What are you working on now?

ONE37pm: Really just ONE37pm. Just trying to build it up…. Like positivity and curiosity… I think a lot of male culture, it’s like ‘if you are on the inside, we fuck with you.’ But if we are on the outside it’s hard to get in… and if we can tell stories and be a platform that people can come to. 

Kid Super’s tone and enthusiasm are very transparent in the conversation. He is a brilliantly creative mind, that doesn’t shy away from honesty. If he doesn’t like something of his, he will be the first to admit it.

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