2019 marked a landmark occasion for avid followers of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Avengers: Endgame hit theaters across the globe and successfully wrapped up years of entertaining plotlines within one giant film. Earth’s mightiest heroes banded together with their fellow super-powered allies for a supersized showdown with Thanos and his time-traveling armada. At the end of it all, we witnessed two of the most iconic superheroes of all time wrap up their big-screen adventures and pave the way for an interesting future within the MCU.
Marvel Comics’ premier superhero team is always at the forefront of comic books as a whole and have remained relevant since their inception. The Avengers have welcomed a huge variety of globetrotting heroes into their ranks and even splintered off into a different regional faction at one point in time. There is a special lineup of individuals that stand out as not only the greatest members of the Avengers but also the ones that define the superhero organization as a whole. We compiled a list of Marvel’s standout guardians who just so happened to earn a place alongside any incarnation of the Avengers squad.