You’ve been added to a group chat with C-3P0, R2-D2, a Battle Droid, a Pit Droid, IG-88, and a Gonk Droid.
IG-88: So, anyone else catch that podrace on TV last night?
Battle Droid: Roger, roger.
Pit Droid: Yeah, I was there. Working. You know, cause some droids here have actual JOBS.
Battle Droid: Roger, roger. Rough day?
Pit Droid: Yeah, I was fixing up an old X-Wing at Peli Motto’s, and a really scary creature came in, so I had to hide in the corner and shake uncontrollably for a while.
C-3P0: R2?
C-3P0: R2, are you in here?
R2-D2: Yes, I’m here. I’m R2-D2, for God’s sake—I’m a living legend. But I’m working right now, so I might be a little late to respond.
R2-D2: I almost got obliterated by a Buzz Droid trying to take this selfie for you droids.
C-3P0: Very handsome, R2.