
The 10 Best College Baseball Teams Ever, Ranked

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(Jamie Schwaberow/NCAA Photos via Getty Images)

So, you're wondering who the best college baseball teams of all-time are? Let's talk about it!

Baseball is one of the oldest known institutions in American culture. A little game that was invented in 1839 is now dubbed 'Americas Pastime" and is enjoyed by millions of people around the world at the highest level.

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Almost 200 years later, the game has been tried and tested amongst several generations of newcomers. One of the best areas of the sport that sometimes gets overlooked is at the collegiate level. The true story however, is that college baseball is where the sport really gained traction.

In 1859, just twenty years after the game was invented, baseball became a fixture in college athletics. By 1893 a national championship game was invented and the rest is history.

Today, we take a look back at the most elite college baseball teams over the years. and rank the top 10.

1. 1983 University of Texas 

2. 2012 University of Arizona

3. 1974 University of Southern California

4. 2000 Louisiana State University

5. 1995 Cal State Fullerton

6. 1986 University of Arizona

7. 1977 Arizona State

8. 2017 University of Florida

9. 1987 Stanford University

10. 2001 University of Miami

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