There's been an on-going debate on whether or not deodorant is something that is truly needed. A good percentage of that debate centers around safety and potential health issues regarding ingredients used in certain deodorants. That topic is one that we'll have to fully dive into on another day, but for the time being, deodorant still appears to be the best and longest-lasting method at preventing underarm sweat and odor. While we could be wrong, based on our research and individual surveys, deodorant also appears to be the resource men are using on a daily basis for their underarm needs. As such, we've put together a list of the best deodorants for men to smell ultra fresh, and in doing so, we've also taken into consideration potential concerns as far as the selections we've included. Rest assured these deodorants are heavily vetted and tested so that you can accomplish the mission of smelling good without having to worry about anything else.
From the Oars + Alps Deodorant ($13.29) to Degree's Advanced Antiperspirant Deodorant ($25.16), we consider these to be some of the best out there on the market. And since you've showered, got your hair styled (check out our long hair and curly hair style guides), your deodorant on, maybe one of the best winter fragrances sprayed, and your outfit looking fresh, you'll be the man of the hour. Bet on it.