Every guy should moisturize his face. Some guys think they are too "manly" to slap a bit of facial moisturizer on after they wash their mugs. I'm here to tell you that if you don't moisturize your face, you risk looking like a California Raisin or this stretched, scrotal thing from Doctor Who.
We are born 75 percent water, and as we age, we slowly dry out naturally. “By the time we're adults, the USGS says, adult men are about 60 percent water, adult women 55 percent. Elderly people are roughly half water,” according to NPR. Young = grape; old = raisin.
This is all to say: Don't be a raisin. Moisturizing is easy. It prevents you from drying out. But the real question is how do you moisturize? Do you need a separate cream for your face than you do for the rest of your body? (Yes). Should it have SPF pre-loaded into it? (Yes, unless you want to apply sunscreen separately. The culprit for premature aging is the sun. Sunscreen is vital).
You can buy all of the fancy products you want, but if you stick to these derma-tested generic brands, you’ll be getting everything your skin needs without any added benzyl-parahydroxybenzoates.