
Pokemon Card Value and Price Guide: How Much Are Your Cards Worth?

The definitive step-by-step guide to appraise the value of your Pokemon cards!

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Jason Koeppel/ONE37pm

The explosive recent rise in Pokemon card value has opened the eyes of investors and former collectors looking to get back in the game. The original Pokemon base set (1999 1st Edition Shadowless) is the most collectible, with record breaking single card sales happening frequently across all of the top auction houses.

“Every generation defines what is nostalgic to them,” says former Collectors Universe President Joe Orlando. “Pokémon started its rise in the U.S. during the late 1990s. Today, the young people who were playing the classic game then are now well into adulthood. As a result, the game has enjoyed a kind of rebirth in the hobby.”

The Pokemon brand is currently the top ranked media franchise of all-time, with movies, video games and collectibles being the most popular things fans of the iconic brand consume. That popularity has led to some of the most rare Pokémon cards selling for astronomical amounts of money.

That said, if you have an old binder of your cards from your childhood laying around, you could be sitting on anywhere from a couple of dollars to a small fortune, and anywhere in between. The Charizard you found in your closet could be your ticket out of your parents house! Figuring out what they are worth can be confusing, so this guide will help to steer you through the process.

RELATED: How to Sell Pokemon Cards: Your Ultimate Guide

What Makes a Pokemon Card Valuable?

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Identify type and assess rarity

The first step to identify Pokemon card value is to check its type and rarity. In other words, how likely the card is to come across from any given booster pack or special event, and if it has any special characteristics, such as card material or Pokemon types.

There are a few indicators of rarity on any given card, though they’re quite subject to change depending on when said card was printed. A marker near the bottom of the card or near its name will indicate rarity: a circle means the card is common, a diamond means it’s less common, and stars mean it’s rare. More stars or with combinations of letters or symbols mean extra rare, including if those symbols are in the name or elsewhere on the card. Other characteristics that can up the rarity include: a higher printed number than there should be in a given printed set (e.g., 66/65); holographic artwork or reverse holographic, in which everything but the artwork is holographic; artwork that takes up the full card; artwork wherein the creature doesn’t cast a shadow; and any shining characteristics, not to be confused with holographic.

There are also special types of cards, like the aforementioned special events that sometimes award cards to tournament winners. For example, one of the most coveted cards, the Trophy Pikachu Trainer Card, was only given out to competition winners in Japan and is so rare that it is considered priceless due to the lack of sellers.

While rarity isn’t the only factor in appraising value, it’s certainly a major factor: Some of the highest-selling cards worth tens of thousands of dollars, or considered “priceless” from lack of supply, are only so because of small rarities like misprints or typos.

As for the more common cards that don’t match any of these characteristics, the consensus advice online is to sell those in bulk. Though the individual cards may only be worth a few dollars at most, a complete collection of them can likely fetch a little higher of a price. That’s not a terrible idea for someone wanting to get rid of a bunch of common cards and turn a profit.

How to Find Out Pokemon Card Values

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

Taking your old cards out of the closet and researching to find their current value is the most common way people are getting back into Pokémon.

When trying to figure out your Pokémon card value, make sure to follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the name of the card

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Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

Figuring out the name is the easiest step in the process. Every Pokémon card will have the name of the character on the top left hand corner of the card. In the above photo, this character is named Charmander.

Step 2: Find the year your Pokemon card was made

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

Look at the bottom of the card and find the year it was printed. That’s the second key indicator when identifying your card.

For example, the Base Set Pokémon Cards have 4 different print runs while looking almost identical each time. Of those sets, the UK 4th Print Base Set identifies as 1999-2000, which is the key indicator to separate those cards from the rest. 

Some of the most common sets ever produced include Neo-Genesis, Aquapolis, and Sky Ridge. The most valuable cards are mainly from the 1999 1st edition base set, outside of the extremely rare promo and trophy cards.

For more detailed information on every Pokémon trading card game set ever created, check out Bulbapedia.

Step 3: Find the set the card belongs to

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

If there is no logo on the right side, it’s Base. Every other set has an indicator. 

When looking into what set a card belongs to, make sure to see if there is any logo on the right side, just underneath and to the right of the illustration. If there is no symbol, the likelihood is that it’s a Base set card.

There have been error cards that do not have a symbol, so make sure the year matches with the set.

List of Common Pokémon Sets

  • 1st Edition Base Set: Released in 1999, there is no Pokémon set held in higher regard. The 1st Edition Charizard is a holy grail for many TCG collectors, with sale prices peaking at ~$500,000.
  • Shadowless Base Set: The set gets its name from the lack of shadowing around the rectangular character portrait. While not as valuable as the heralded 1st Edition, these cards are heavily regarded as the second-best set in the game.
  • Base Set Unlimited: Chances are, this is the set you’ll find in an old binder from the 90s. These cards do not display the 1st Edition emblem, but many of the holographs still hold their value when in promising condition. 
  • Jungle Set: Introduced many beloved characters, including Flareon. While often overlooked by the big three’s prowess, Jungle is still highly collected and sought-after by Pokémon fanatics.
  • Fossil Set: The third expansion set, Fossil welcomed in some later additions to Gen. I. The fossil icon below the character portrait denotes the set and helps collectors to easily identify it.
  • Team Rocket: While often viewed as the antagonists of the Pokémon series, the Team Rocket set is highly treasured among collectors. A bold and italicized “R” on the left side of the card denotes this set. 
  • Base Set II: While this set is a re-issue of many Base Set characters, it is still a popular release for early collectors. 
  • Skyridge: The sleek design of the e-readers have made these boxes immensely popular over time. Sealed booster boxes have sold for as high as $55,000.
  • Legendary Collection: Showcased some “dark” variations of beloved dragon-type Pokémon such as Dragonite and Charizard.
  • Neo Genesis: Contains the 1st Edition Lugia, which is one of the most valuable characters not found in Gen. I. 

In addition to these classic sets from 1999-2003, newer releases like XY Evolutions, Champion’s Path, Hidden Fates, and Evolving Skies have also made a big splash in the secondary market.

Step 4: Identify the card with the name and number in the set


Finally, identify the card by looking up its name and card number on eBay.

As previously described in step one, the name will be located above the illustration on the top left of the card. The number is on the bottom right of the card. This is the identifier for each year and set. For instance, there are 102 cards in the 1st Edition base set. Charizard is the 4th card in the set, so it's listed as #4/102 on the card. In the above photo, Machamp is #8/102.

After checking all three of these steps, you should easily be able to identify every card, even if you don’t know exactly what set it is in.  

Step 5: Use the Above Details to Identify Your Card

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Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

You can use the first four steps as a checklist of sorts. Write down all of that information because once you have the character's name, the set, the year, and the card number, you will be able to search for it on eBay and other websites that specialize in Pokemon cards to compare to your card.

When you are comparing, make sure that everything on the card is an exact match. It's easy to miss something, but even the slightest variation can be the difference between the card being basically worthless, or potentially worth thousands of dollars.

Step 6: Look Up Your Card on eBay

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Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

Once you are certain that you have an exact match, you can now "comp" your card, which means that you can use the information you just collected to figure out what your card is worth.

Keep in mind, there is a major difference in value between a card that is graded–meaning it is encased in plastic and given a score based on its condition–and a raw card that has not been graded. Even if you think that your card is in mint condition, it won't sell for as much as a card that has been inspected and authenticated by one of the top grading services.

Graded vs. Ungraded Cards

For any facet of the hobby, knowing the importance of graded vs. ungraded cards is essential. Some of the top grading services, including PSA, BGS, and SGC, work to authenticate a rare trading card and bolster its value in the secondary market.

In recent years, early Charizards and other base set characters have become some of the most graded cards across all TCGs. However, learning how to prep and submit a card can be a tedious process for beginners. To better understand the grading process, check out our go-to guide.

Valuable Pokemon Sets to Look Out For

1. 1st Edition Base

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Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

The 1st Edition base set is the grail set of the Pokemon world, with 1st Edition Charizard becoming a mainstream status symbol of sorts. The card has become so iconic that Logan Paul sported his on a necklace to the ring of his mega-fight against Floyd Mayweather.

With the recent sale of a PSA 10 Charizard at PWCC for $320,000, the market remains as hot as the fire he is breathing, even if it is down a bit from its peak.

The graded population on this set is low, and the demand is astronomical, making any sealed packs and boxes extremely valuable. The last confirmed sealed box auction ended at $432,000.

2. Shadowless Base Set

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

These cards are identical to the 1st Edition cards, except they don’t have the 1st Edition Stamp. The Shadowless set is just as rare, or even more rare than the 1st Edition set.

Gem mint Charizards in the Shadowless set have a much lower population than the 1st Edition set, and the price hovers around $65,000. Also of note, Shadowless is the only other set with the Red Cheeks Pikachu Error card.

Finding sealed boxes of the Shadowless set is near impossible to guarantee unless you open a case, and open one of the boxes in a case. There is a chance you can pull 1st Edition cards in Shadowless boxes because they threw the extras in to those boxes, but you can not find 1st Edition Shadowless holos. These boxes can be confusing due to uncertainty, but a guaranteed Shadowless box is worth over $70,000.

3. Base Unlimited

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

These boxes were mass produced in 1999. The Unlimited Set boxes are over $15,000. For perspective, these boxes were around $3,000 in 2019, and have 5x'd in value since. This set had 6-8 times the print runs compared to 1 print run each for 1st Edition and Shadowless.

Gem Mint Charizards in this set sell for around $10,000, so while they are down in value from their peak earlier in 2021, they are over 8x in the last 3 years, selling for just over $1,000 at the start of 2019.

4. Jungle Set

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

This is the second expansion set with 1st edition boxes selling for around $18,000. Each holographic card has a non-holo version. These boxes seem to be undervalued due to low graded populations and potential to pull rare error cards.

You can pull a 1st Edition Black Star Pikachu in these boxes, with a PSA 10 value of over $7,000 making it the ultimate Easter egg in the Pokemon space.

5. Fossil Set

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

Fossil is the third expansion set. 1st Edition Boxes sell for over $12,000 currently. Fossil holograms, in my opinion, are edgier than the Jungle set. This set has gotten extremely hot in recent months.

Each holographic card has a non-holographic version. Dragonite and Gengar are two of the most valuable cards in this set, with PSA 10 prices hovering between $2,000-4,500.

6. Base Set 2

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Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

Base Set 2 is a combination of the Base and Jungle sets. It is the fourth main expansion. You can pull up to 20 different holograms in a set of 130 different cards. Having the original Charizard artwork will always keep this set in demand.

Sealed boxes of this set sell for over $8,000. PSA 10 Charizards are currently valued over $10,500.

7. Team Rocket

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Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

Team Rocket is the 5th set and pays homage to the villains of Pokémon: Jesse, James & Meowth.

1st Edition Boxes currently sell for over $11,000. This is the first expansion set to have Charizard in it. Team Rocket is amongst the hottest Generation 1 set to collect.

8. Gym Heroes

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Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

The Gym Heroes set focuses on 1st four Gym Leaders: Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge & Erika. 1st Edition Boxes are currently valued at around $8,000.00.

The PSA 10 1st Edition Moltres from this set is currently valued over $1000.

9. Gym Challenge

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Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

Gym Challenge focuses on the final four gym leaders: Sabrina, Koga, Blaine & Giovanni. 1st Edition boxes are currently valued over $14,000.

The PSA 10 Charizard from this set is valued around $4,250.

10. Promo Cards

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

Pokémon had numerous promo cards: E3 promos, Black Star Promos and Prerelease promos. They were available at events, in magazines, by mail request and one was available with a VHS film. Due to scarcity, some have skyrocketed and the demand is increasing rapidly.

You can read more about Black Star Promos in this article.

What Are My Pokemon 1st Edition Base Set Cards Worth?

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Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

If you own any of the cards listed below, condition is the biggest factor in figuring out your Pokemon card value. The prices below illustrate what these cards are worth after grading in mint condition as PSA 9's & 10's.

Important to note: It is very unlikely that your cards will grade this high if they have been played with. If you have these cards laying around in less than mint condition, it still may be worth getting them graded as long as they are in pretty good shape.

1. Squirtle First Edition $200 - $1200

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Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

PSA Pop: (10) 915 - (9) 1,759

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $1,000 PSA 9 $200

Squirtle is the first evolution of Blastoise and carries the 2nd most Pokemon card value of any of the big three pre-evolutions. Although grading has slowed down drastically, prices have dipped in the Pokemon market. That said, Squirtle is one of the essential characters of the show and is a must have for any collector. Be sure to assemble your Squirtle-Squad by acquiring his English Rookie card.

2. Charmander 1st Edition $200 - $850

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Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

• PSA Pop: (10) 944 - (9) 1,811

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $850 PSA 9 $200

Charmander's value has been all over the place in the last 12 months. After the 2020 summer of record sale after record sale, baby Zard's value has taken a dip recently, but don't be surprised if Charmander rebounds due to the power Charizard yields on the market.

3. Bulbasaur 1st Edition $260 - $1,800

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Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

PSA Pop: (10) 344 - (9) 1,009

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $1,800 PSA 9 $260

One of the most popular Pokemon, Bulbasaur delivers long term. Previously third in the pecking order for PSA 9's, Bulbasaur is currently higher than Squirtle and Charmander. With low populations, be sure to make Bulbasaur a top priority. 

4. Pikachu

Pikachu is the most well known Pokemon out there and considered to be a mascot of sorts. There are two versions of Pikachu in this set - with a red cheeked and a yellow cheeked variant. The red cheek is the more rare and valuable of the two, while both have similar population reports. Pikachu prices have dropped drastically, which is great for collectors looking to acquire the grail non holo.

Pikachu Red Cheeks $1,000 - $5,000

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $4,500 PSA 9 $600

• PSA Pop: (10) 252 - (9) 1,036

Pikachu Yellow Cheeks $350 - $2,000

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $2,000 PSA 9 $350

• PSA Pop: (10) 529- (9) 978

5. Onix 1st Edition $80 - $250

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $200 PSA 9 $80

• PSA Pop: (10) 538 - (9) 959

Onix was introduced in the TV show as Brock's main Pokemon when Battling Ash. The massive Rock Snake, Onix, is deserving of more attention due to this, and with card prices steadily climbing, Onix's English Rookie card is a solid addition to any collection.

6. Blastoise Holo 1st Edition $4,500 - $21,000

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $21,000 PSA 9 $4,500

• PSA Pop: (10) 101 - (9) 674

Blastoise is the final evolution of Squirtle. The 2nd most valuable card in the set, Blastoise is also the most powerful card in the game. When looking at the price difference between Charizard and Blastoise, and knowing they are both going to be 1 & 2 moving forward, Blastoise will be undervalued until investors decide the 2nd most valuable card is worth much more than 10-15% of the top card, while having a lower graded population.

7. Charizard Holo 1st Edition $29,000 - $300,000

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $300,000 PSA 9 $20,000

PSA Pop: (10) 123 - (9) 716

This card is the pinnacle of Pokemon collecting. The 1st Edition Charizard has been setting massive records for close to a year. The rarest card in the set, Charizard is also the most graded hologram of any 1st Edition Shadowless holo. Even non-collectors know that the Charizard holo will make you the king of the playground, in any condition.

8. Venusaur Holo 1st Edition $3,000 - $12,000

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $12,000 PSA 9 $3,000

• PSA Pop: (10) 144 - (9) 670

Venusaur is the final evolution of Bulbasaur, and has consistently been the 3rd most valuable card in the set. When the prices rise again, Venusaur will be very difficult to obtain. This is a must have card for all Pokemon collectors.

9. Mewtwo Holo 1st Edition $2,400 - $11,000

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $11,000 PSA 9 $2,400

PSA Pop: 990 - (10) 82 - (9) 518

Mewtwo is by far the most underrated hologram in the set. The most powerful original Pokemon, Mewtwo is also the smartest. Evolved from the Ancient Mew, Mewtwo was engineered in a lab. Mewtwo is currently the 4th most Valuable card in the set, which is a no-brainer considering abilities and being the 1st major Poke-villain in the Pokemon movie, “Mewtwo Strikes Back”.

10. Lass $200 - $1,500

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Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $1,500 PSA 9 $200

• PSA Pop: (10) 122 - (9) 419

The first female Pokemon card, Lass, is also one of the rarest trainer cards to pull. On top of that, the graded population is very low. Lass has been in demand for years, with sales for PSA 10's being tops of any trainer cards in the set for over 5 years. Lass is also a must have card for collectors.

11. Raichu $1,300 - $9,000

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $9,000 PSA 9 $1,300

PSA Pop: (10) 88 - (9) 473

The evolution of Pikachu, Raichu is mighty undervalued. First introduced in the show as a top Pokemon for Lt. Surge, Raichu was dominant until Ash's Pikachu had the last laugh. The only way for Raichu to evolve from Pikachu is with the Thunder Stone. Also, Raichu is capable of storing 100,000 plus volts of electricity.

12. Chansey $1,800 - $28,000

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $28,000 PSA 9 $1,800

PSA Pop: (10) 48 - (9) 451

Originally known as Lucky, Chansey is known for assisting nurse Joy in the Pokemon Centers in the show and video games. A very popular card amongst gamers, combined with issues during production, Chansey is one of the toughest cards to receive PSA 10 grades, with only 47 current examples.

13. Dugtrio $150 - $700

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $700 PSA 9 $150

PSA Pop: (10) 163 - (9) 468

The evolution of Diglett, Dugtrio is the triple headed angry Mole. Dugtrio is also one of the most valuable non holo cards in the set. With only 137 PSA 10 examples, Dugtrio is a relative bargain, considering it's the rookie card to own. This mole Pokemon is capable of creating tunnels at 60 MPH, which sometimes can cause earthquakes.

14. Dratini $100 - $750

Jason Koeppel

• Current Pokemon Card Value: PSA 10 $750 PSA 9 $100

PSA Pop: (10) 183 - (9) 654

This adorable dragon Pokemon is highly desirable in the card community, topping $4,000 in PSA 10 early in 2020. Although that was a hefty overpay given the current market, Dratini will rebound over time. Low population PSA 10 rookie cards will always rise over time. Dratini is the original form of Dragonair & later Dragonite.

15. Machamp $100 - $1,000

Jason Koeppel // ONE37pm

• 1st Edition: PSA Pop: (10) 400  - (9) 4,759

• Current Shadowless Value: PSA 10 $2,700 PSA 9 $300

1st Edition Shadowless: PSA Pop: 181 - (10) 8 - (9) 191

This is where things get hairy. Although Machamp is finally being properly labeled, most listed as 1st Edition are really the Unlimited version. Make sure to check the font, year(s) listed on the card or just check out our Ultimate Pokemon Guide for more information.  

Also, check out where Machamp lands in our Most Powerful Pokemon.

What's Ahead for Pokemon?

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Pokemon / NetFlix

With the recent release of Paldean Fates, Pokémon collectors still have a plethora of releases to look forward to under the Scarlet & Violet umbrella. With the initial release creeping up toward its 30-year anniversary, it will be interesting to see if there are any special plans and products on the horizon. Even still, the fandom for the world’s most popular TCG will not soon die down.

Are you a Pokémon collector? Let us know @CardTalkPod on Instagram and Twitter!

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