Pokémon is a beloved franchise worldwide. With record-breaking numbers of games sold, the most valuable franchise of all time also entails animated series, movies, cards, and all types of other merchandise. Celebrating its 25th anniversary this year with a music album, game remakes, and new games, we will look back at one of the most famous aspects of the franchise: the Pokémon themselves.
With 893 Pokémon in the Pokémon Universe, many characters have made their mark. Pokémon are separated through different categories such as Generation, Region, Starter, Legendary, etc. Out of all the categories, a Pokémon’s type will usually come up first as their identifying mark. Pokémon are separated into 18 different types such as Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Psychic, Electric, Steel, Ghost, etc. Out of all these, the Water-type represents some of the most well-known and strong Pokémon in the Universe. On this 25th anniversary, we are going to take a look at the best 25 Water-type Pokémon, with regard to strength and notoriety.
First, Water-type Pokémon are 1/3rd of the three basic starter elemental types: Fire, Water, Grass. As such, they are one of the first types of Pokémon that players/viewers see and therefore have a special place in the Universe.
We will be rating the best 25 Water-type Pokémon based on factors such as Strength, use-case, adaptability, etc.
There are 145 Water-type Pokemon. It is the most common type out of all 18 types.