Khaykashi holds two titles to her name that speaks to her success within the wide and wonderful world of content creators - she's a Twitch Ambassador and an Electronic Arts Game Changer. Her continued dedication to making her presence more prominent as a streamer seems to be working out thus far (amassing 10,000+ followers is clear evidence of all the hard work she's putting in!). Lady Khaykashi entertains as a variety streamer that we just can't get enough of. She took some time out of her busy gaming schedule to chop it up with us and chat about her early years spent playing games with her family, what inspired her to hop into Twitch streaming/content creating, and more.
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ONE37pm: What turned you into such a hardcore gamer?
Khaykashi: I wasn't turned into a hardcore gamer - I’ve just been playing games for as long as I can remember. My pops played games, so I grew up watching him play Mario and Donkey Kong. Then I played nothing but co-op with my big brother. Basically, it was a family activity.
ONE37pm: I see that your three favorite gaming genres are RPGs, shooters, and simulation games. What would you say are your favorite games from each genre?
Khaykashi: I don’t really play shooters anymore. But Call of Duty is historically my favorite shooter. I’ve bought every Call of Duty that has ever come out. My favorite RPG is Skyrim, hands down. I keep playing it over choosing different ways to develop the story. As for simulation, of course, the most popular life simulator The Sims is my favorite.
ONE37pm: When did you decide to become a Twitch streamer and a content creator? And what would you say led up to that decision being made?
Khaykashi: I decided to make videos for YouTube in 2017 - watching people like Dashie really made me laugh and I felt like I wanted to do that for other people. Xmiramira was one of the first people that made me feel like I actually could. That’s just the importance of representation. In 2018, I decided to stream on twitch because my friends encouraged me to expand to a different platform.