One of the most enjoyable, heartwarming, and romantic anime series of 2022 so far follows a teenage dollmaker who dreams of perfecting his craft and a girl who loves anime and cosplay but has no idea how to create her own costumes.
My Dress Up Darling might sound strange on paper, but it's an addictive and wholesome series that's taken the anime world by storm. The lovably clueless Wakana Gojo and the gorgeous and kind Kitagawa Marin are memorable characters who aren't afraid to be their authentic selves, and the romance that blossoms between them are unlike you've seen before in the anime realm.
Unfortunately, the anime's first season ended earlier in the year without an official confirmation on the horizon that a second season is on the way. It's likely to happen based on the show's massive popularity, but anime fans know not to count their chickens before they hatch. So while you're waiting for more episodes, you could read the manga, or watch a little something to tide you over. Here are 10 anime series to watch to fill the void after the end of My Dress Up Darling.