
The 33 Best Fighting Movies of All Time

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Sony Pictures Classics

An unrivaled adrenaline rush is derived from watching a hyperactive, action-packed sequence take place on the big screen. And there's a particular brand of high-octane brutality that comes from watching movies full of brutal hand-to-hand combat mixed in with sick kicks and the clashing of steel on steel. The best fighting movies encapsulate the type of action that makes you shadowbox and walk with a new sense of intensity after you watch one of them in the theatre. Allow us to recommend you all 33 highly entertaining films that put the most famous and inspiring action movie stars on display. We're going to cover a wide gamut of the best fighting movies here, folks - we're talking martial arts flicks, boxing films, a cinematic sci-fi pioneer, and more. So without further ado, let's get into some big-screen action!

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Best Fighting Movies

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Miramax Films

1. ‘Enter the Dragon’

Watch on YouTube

2. ‘Bloodsport’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

3. ‘Rocky’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

4. ‘Raging Bull’

Watch on HBO Max

5. ‘Gladiator’

Watch on Paramount+

6. ‘The Way Of The Dragon’

Watch on Paramount+

7. 'House of Flying Daggers’

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

8. ‘Police Story’

Watch on HBO Max

9. ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

10. ‘Fight Club’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

11. 'Nobody’

Watch on HBO Max

12. ‘Once Upon a Time in China’

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

13. 'The Matrix’

Watch on HBO Max

14. 'The Legend of Drunken Master’

Watch on YouTube

15. 'Million Dollar Baby’

Watch on Tubi

16. ‘Iron Monkey’

Watch on Pluto TV

17. ‘Kung Fu Hustle’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

18. ‘Southpaw’

Watch on Netflix

19. ‘Kill Bill: Volume 1’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

20. ‘The Karate Kid’ (1984)

Watch on Roku

21. ‘Fist of Legend’

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

22. ‘Fist of Fury’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

23. ‘Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

24. ‘The Raid: Redemption’

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

25. ‘Rumble in the Bronx’

Watch on YouTube

26. ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’

Watch on Paramount+

27. ‘Ip Man’

Watch on YouTube

28. ‘Warrior’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

29. ‘The Fighter’

Watch on Paramount+

30. ‘Cinderella Man’

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

31. 'Creed'

Watch on HBO Max

32. 'Creed II'

Watch on HBO Max

33. 'Creed III'

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV
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