
The 26 Best Martial Arts Movies of All Time

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Sony Pictures Classics

Talk to a 70s or 80s baby about their favorite cinematic experiences and they'll most likely shout out one of their favorite films that's all about badass protagonists throwing hands and kicking feet with a whole flood of bad guys. The best martial arts movies make that central theme the main focal point of their onscreen magic and regularly showcase different styles of hand-to-hand and weapons-based combat. As soon as you hear someone waxing poetic about the most exciting, brutal, and highly entertaining martial arts films, the GOATs will definitely spring to mind - Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Donnie Yen, Tony Jaa, and so many more cinematic lethal enforcers are among the very best of the best. Now with all that in mind, allow us to recommend 26 of the greatest martial arts movies ever seen.

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Best Martial Arts Movies

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Warner Bros.

1. ‘Enter the Dragon’

Watch on YouTube

2. ‘Ip Man’

Watch on YouTube

3. ‘Once Upon a Time in China’

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

4. ‘The 36th Chamber of Shaolin’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

5. ‘Master of the Flying Guillotine’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

6. ‘The Legend of Drunken Master’

Watch on YouTube

7. ‘A Touch of Zen’

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

8. ‘Dragon Inn’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

9. ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

10. 'Kill Zone'

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

11. ‘The Raid: Redemption'

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

12. ‘The Raid 2’

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

13. ‘Iron Monkey’

Watch on Pluto TV

14. ‘Wheels on Meals’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

15. ‘Police Story’

Watch on HBO Max

16. ‘Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

17. ‘The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter’

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

18. ‘Hero’

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

19. ‘The Mystery of Chess Boxing’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

20. ‘Born Invincible’

Watch on Roku

21. ‘Shaolin vs. Lama’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video

22. ‘House of Flying Daggers’

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

23. ‘Come Drink With Me’

Watch on Google Play Movies and TV

24. ‘Five Deadly Venoms'

Watch on Amzon Prime Video

25. ‘Rumble in the Bronx’

Watch on YouTube

26. ‘Kung Fu Hustle’

Watch on Amazon Prime Video
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